#Learningfriday: Unity Game development


Continua il racconto del secondo learning friday tenuto qui in K2. Nella prima parte abbiamo raccontato l’inizio del learning friday dedicato a unity. Il nostro Daniele Del Monte durante il suo intervento ha spiegato tutte le funzionalità di Unity e i passi da seguire nel game development. Di seguito racconteremo le ultime funzionalità raccontateci da Daniele. […]

Social Gaming

Have come a long way. Since the ‘80s to today game world has been altered, updated, overturned, in a word: revolutionized. We’ve gone from the huge “bar cabin” to the tiny pocket consoles. The route has been long, the projects have been altered during the journey, but the ultimate goal has remained faithful over time: […]


On time came the second round of the Learning Friday. Teacher for a day was Mirko Maranzano who introduced us to the wonderful world of “Game Design”. What is the game? In literature there are several definitions, Greg Costikyan defines the game, “an interactive structure of endogenous meaning, which requires players to make an effort […]